Tuesday, April 04, 2006

So what is this all about...?

Hi everyone!
Hard 8 is an exciting new graphic novel anthology which
revolves around the adventures of a central
character named... Hard 8. Here on the blog, we will
be chronicling the production of our graphic novel
over the next few months.

This collection will be comprised of 8 different
stories each told in 8 pages, showcasing the artistic
tallents of:

Eren Blanquet
William Buckley
Alex Deligiannias
Emmanuel Deligiannias
Eric Gonzalez
Brian Growe
Erich Haeger
Greg Rankin
Matt Roberts
Garrett Shikuma
Mike Williams

Although each tale revolves around the same central
character, each artist has their own creative
interpretation and adventure for Hard 8.

One Character
Eight Artisitc Visions

We hope you enjoy the artwork here and please check
back often. As we get closer and closer to the San Diego
comicon, we'll be sure and keep you updated!

1 comment:

Eric Gonzalez said...

Wow! This looks really cool! Can't wait to see more! I'm gonna tell all my friends about it!